Tuesday, March 13, 2012


During March is Reading Month, our middle school holds a door decorating contest. It is my pleasure to announce the winners for this year.

TOP DOOR award goes to the 8th grade students in Mrs. K.'s Art class!
Hope you guessed that the mystery genre behind this door is FANTASY!
MOST CREATIVE/ORIGINAL award goes to Mrs. H.'s split 5th and 6th grade class!
This door incorporates many facts about the rainforest, making its genre nonfiction, informational text.
BEST IN GENRE award goes to Mrs. T.'s 5th grade homeroom!
This door's genre shouldn't be a mystery!
 ADHERENCE TO THEME award goes to the 7th graders in Mrs. P.'s language arts class!
The 7th grade class incorporated legends into our dairy inspired "Got Books?" Reading Month theme. They even added some samples of student writing!

 There was certainly some hard work and time put into making these doors into awesome showcases of genre. Way to go! Below you can also see some honorable mentions.
A fairy tale themed door from 8th graders in Mrs. R.'s math class. (Don't you love a math teacher who encourages literacy?!)
Some historical fiction represented by the 6th graders in Mrs. G.'s homeroom.
The 6th graders in Mrs. H's room took a multi-genre approach!
This is the SOLS for March 13, part of a blogging challenge inspired by Two Writing Teachers. I missed a couple days but I am back at it now!


  1. Gret ideas! You have some talented and courageous middles school teachers!
    P.S. I alsolove your posts on pinterest!!

  2. What a great idea. I just might pitch it to our staff for next year! Thanks for giving us a peek into your middle school. My favourite door? The nostalgic look back to the 1970s.

  3. What great ideas for encouraging community and creativity. I love it. Thanks for sharing.

  4. The kids really worked hard on those doors. Thanks for the photos.
